DS/EN 15445-2008 共同关心的逃犯和扩散排放行业 - 扬尘源通过逆向弥散建模资格
DS/EN 15445-2008 标准详情
- 标准号:DS/EN 15445-2008
- 中文标题:共同关心的逃犯和扩散排放行业 - 扬尘源通过逆向弥散建模资格
- 英文标题:Fugitive and diffuse emissions of common concern to industry sectors - Qualification of fugitive dust sources by Reverse Dispersion Modelling
- 标准类别:丹麦DANSK
- 发布日期:2008-05-30
This standard specifies a Reverse Dispersion Modelling method to qualify the fugitive emission rates of diffuse fine and coarse dust sources of industrial plants or areas. The application needs calculations using a dispersion model, and the definitio
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