DS/CEN/TR 15449-2011 地理信息 - 标准,规范,??技术报告和指导方针,实现空间数据基础设施要求
DS/CEN/TR 15449-2011 标准详情
- 标准号:DS/CEN/TR 15449-2011
- 中文标题:地理信息 - 标准,规范,??技术报告和指导方针,实现空间数据基础设施要求
- 英文标题:Geographic information - Standards, specifications, technical reports and guidelines, required to implement Spatial Data Infrastructures
- 标准类别:丹麦DANSK
- 发布日期:2011-09-25
This Technical Report identifies and describes standards that are required for a spatial data infrastructure (SDI). This Technical Report describes a reference model for a spatial data infrastructure, covering framework standards, metadata and catalo
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