
DS/ISO 5721-1997 拖拉机农业 - 视觉的操作领域

DS/ISO 5721-1997 拖拉机农业 - 视觉的操作领域

DS/ISO 5721-1997 标准详情

  • 标准号:DS/ISO 5721-1997
  • 中文标题:拖拉机农业 - 视觉的操作领域
  • 英文标题:Tractors for agriculture - Operator's field of vision
  • 标准类别:丹麦DANSK
  • 发布日期:1997-02-07


This International Standard specifies practical and mathematical methods of determining the masking effects of obstructions on the angles of vision forward, to the rear and upwards of seated operators of tractors for agriculture.

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