IEC/TR 60444-3-1986 用π型网络零相位技术测量石英晶体元件参数 第3部分:利用有并联电容Co补偿的π型网络相位技术测量频率达200MHz的石英晶体元件两端网络参数的基本方法
IEC/TR 60444-3-1986 标准详情
- 标准号:IEC/TR 60444-3-1986
- 中文标题:用π型网络零相位技术测量石英晶体元件参数 第3部分:利用有并联电容Co补偿的π型网络相位技术测量频率达200MHz的石英晶体元件两端网络参数的基本方法
- 英文标题:Measurement of quartz crystal unit parameters by zero phase technique in a -network; part 3: basic method for the measurement of two-terminal parameters of quartz crystal units up to 200 MHz by phase technique in a w-network with compensation of
- 标准类别:国际电工委员会标准
- 发布日期:1986
Specifies a method of measurement using an inductance to compensate for the effects of the parallel capacitance at the frequency of the crystal unit with accuracy depending on the type of crystals. Discusses in detail two possible circuits for compen
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