UNI EN 1381-2001 木结构 - 试验方法 - 承载装订缝Strutture泰迪莱尼奥 - Metodi迪PROVA - GIUNTI strutturali eseguiti mediante graffe
UNI EN 1381-2001 标准详情
- 标准号:UNI EN 1381-2001
- 中文标题:木结构 - 试验方法 - 承载装订缝Strutture泰迪莱尼奥 - Metodi迪PROVA - GIUNTI strutturali eseguiti mediante graffe
- 英文标题:Timber structures - Test methods - Load bearing stapled joints Strutture di legno - Metodi di prova - Giunti strutturali eseguiti mediante graffe
- 标准类别:意大利UNIUNI
- 发布日期:
Defines test procedures to determine strength and deformation features of stapled joints in load-bearing timber structures. To assess joints with members of solid and glued laminated timber, or wood-based products in the combination suggested for use
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