UNI EN 15372-2008 家具 - 强度,耐久性和安全性 - Resistenza , DURATA é SICUREZZA - - Requisiti每tavoli非domestici非住宅表MOBILI要求
UNI EN 15372-2008 标准详情
- 标准号:UNI EN 15372-2008
- 中文标题:家具 - 强度,耐久性和安全性 - Resistenza , DURATA é SICUREZZA - - Requisiti每tavoli非domestici非住宅表MOBILI要求
- 英文标题:Furniture - Strength, durability and safety - Requirements for non-domestic tables Mobili - Resistenza, durata e sicurezza - Requisiti per tavoli non domestici
- 标准类别:意大利UNIUNI
- 发布日期:
Describes requirements for the safety, strength and durability of all types of non-domestic tables including those with glass in their construction.
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