ANSI S12.9 Pt.3-1993 环境音量的描述和测量用数量和程序.第3部分:具有现场观察者的短期测量
ANSI S12.9 Pt.3-1993 标准详情
- 标准号:ANSI S12.9 Pt.3-1993
- 中文标题:环境音量的描述和测量用数量和程序.第3部分:具有现场观察者的短期测量
- 英文标题:Quantities and procedures for description and measurement of environmental sound - Part 3: Short-term measurements with an observer present
- 标准类别:美国国家ANSI
- 发布日期:1993
This standard is the third part of a series related to quantities and procedures for description and measurement of environmental sound. This present standard, Part 3, deals with basic measuremtns of sound with an observer present. Typically, the dur
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