ANSI X3.112-1984 信息系统.直径为14英寸(356mm)和低表面摩擦性的存储磁盘(每磁道16000传输通量,480tpi.).物理和磁性通用要求
ANSI X3.112-1984 标准详情
- 标准号:ANSI X3.112-1984
- 中文标题:信息系统.直径为14英寸(356mm)和低表面摩擦性的存储磁盘(每磁道16000传输通量,480tpi.).物理和磁性通用要求
- 英文标题:Information Systems - Magnetic Storage Disks with 14-Inch (356-mm) Diameter and Low Surface Friction (160 000 Flux Transitions per Track, 480 tpi) - General, Physical and Magnetic Requirements
- 标准类别:美国国家ANSI
- 发布日期:1984
Provides the mechanical, phycsical and magnetic properties of a magnetic disk with a 14-inch (356-mm) diameter and low surface friction intended for mounting in data strorage devices opearting at 160 oo flux transitions per tarck and at typical track
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