
SAE ARP 1333A-1974 电子束焊接接头的钛基合金无损检测

SAE ARP 1333A-1974 电子束焊接接头的钛基合金无损检测

SAE ARP 1333A-1974 标准详情

  • 标准号:SAE ARP 1333A-1974
  • 中文标题:电子束焊接接头的钛基合金无损检测
  • 英文标题:Nondestructive Testing of Electron Beam Welded Joints in Titanium Base Alloys
  • 标准类别:美国汽车工程师协会SAE
  • 发布日期:1974-03-01


This document has been declared "CANCELLED" as of January 2007. By this action, this document will remain listed in the Numerical Section of the Aerospace Standards Index.

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