
UNI EN ISO 10882-1-2002 健康与安全焊接和相关工艺 - 在Campionamento阿尔particelle - 空气中的颗粒和气体的取样,在运营商的呼吸区域 - 采样空气中颗粒物礼炮? SICUREZZA在saldatura ? nelle tecniche connesse

UNI EN ISO 10882-1-2002 健康与安全焊接和相关工艺 - 在Campionamento阿尔particelle - 空气中的颗粒和气体的取样,在运营商的呼吸区域 - 采样空气中颗粒物礼炮? SICUREZZA在saldatura ? nelle tecniche connesse

UNI EN ISO 10882-1-2002 标准详情

  • 标准号:UNI EN ISO 10882-1-2002
  • 中文标题:健康与安全焊接和相关工艺 - 在Campionamento阿尔particelle - 空气中的颗粒和气体的取样,在运营商的呼吸区域 - 采样空气中颗粒物礼炮? SICUREZZA在saldatura ? nelle tecniche connesse
  • 英文标题:Health and safety in welding and allied processes - Sampling of airborne particles and gases in the operator''s breathing zone - Sampling of airborne particles Salute e sicurezza in saldatura e nelle tecniche connesse - Campionamento delle particel
  • 标准类别:意大利UNIUNI
  • 发布日期:


This Standard defines a procedure for personal sampling of airborne particles in welding and allied processes. The procedure covers determination of personal exposure to welding fume and other airborne particles generated by welding related operation

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