DS/EN 13900-4-2004 颜料和填料 - 分散性和分散性塑料的评估方法 - 第4部分:颜色性能和易白色颜料的聚乙烯分散的测定双辊磨粉
DS/EN 13900-4-2004 标准详情
- 标准号:DS/EN 13900-4-2004
- 中文标题:颜料和填料 - 分散性和分散性塑料的评估方法 - 第4部分:颜色性能和易白色颜料的聚乙烯分散的测定双辊磨粉
- 英文标题:Pigments and extenders - Methods of dispersion and assessment of dispersibility in plastics - Part 4: Determination of colouristic properties and ease of dispersion of white pigments in polyethylene by two-roll milling
- 标准类别:丹麦DANSK
- 发布日期:2004-06-14
This part of EN 13900 specifies a method of determining the colouristic properties of a test pigment in polyethylene (PE) relative to a standard, and ease the dispersion DPpe of pigments from the differences in tinting strength on dispersing colourin
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