ISO 306-1994 标准详情
- 标准号:ISO 306-1994
- 中文标题:塑料-热塑性材料-维卡氏软化温度(VST)测定
- 英文标题:plastics-thermoplastic materials-determination of vicat softening temperature(vst)
- 标准类别:国际标准化组织标准ISO
- 发布日期:1994-08-01
Specifies four methods for the determination: method A50 using a force of 10 N and a heating rate of 50 °C/h, method B50 using a force of 50 N and a heating rate of 50 °C/h, method A120 using a force of 10 N and a heating rate of 120 °C/h
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