IEC/TR 60479-2-1987 通过人体的电流的效应.第2部分:特殊信号形式.第4章:频率在100hz以上的交流电的效应.第5章:特殊波形电流的效应.第6章:短时间单向脉冲电流效应
IEC/TR 60479-2-1987 标准详情
- 标准号:IEC/TR 60479-2-1987
- 中文标题:通过人体的电流的效应.第2部分:特殊信号形式.第4章:频率在100hz以上的交流电的效应.第5章:特殊波形电流的效应.第6章:短时间单向脉冲电流效应
- 英文标题:Effects of current passing through the human body. Part 2 : Special aspects. Chapter 4: Effects of alternating current with frequencies above 100 Hz. Chapter 5: Effects of special waveforms of current. Chapter 6: Effects of unidirectional single impu
- 标准类别:国际电工委员会标准
- 发布日期:1987-03-15
Describes in three separate clauses the effects of sinusional alternating current within the frequency above 100 Hz up to and including 1000 Hz, above 1000 Hz up to and including 10000 Hz and above 10000 Hz. Draws attention to the fact, that the impe
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