DS/EN 60332-2-2-2005 在着火条件下电缆和光纤电缆试验 - 第2-2部分:测试垂直火焰蔓延的一个小型绝缘电线或电缆 - 程序扩散火焰
DS/EN 60332-2-2-2005 标准详情
- 标准号:DS/EN 60332-2-2-2005
- 中文标题:在着火条件下电缆和光纤电缆试验 - 第2-2部分:测试垂直火焰蔓延的一个小型绝缘电线或电缆 - 程序扩散火焰
- 英文标题:Tests on electric and optical fibre cables under fire conditions -- Part 2-2: Test for vertical flame propagation for a single small insulated wire or cable - Procedure for diffusion flame
- 标准类别:丹麦DANSK
- 发布日期:2005-01-27
Specifies the procedure for testing the resistance to vertical flame propagation for a single small vertical electrical insulated conductor or cable, or optical cable, under fire conditions. The apparatus is given in EN 60332-2-1. This standard gives
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