NF EN 60034-2-2005 旋转电机。旋转电机试验后的损耗和效率的测定方法。
NF EN 60034-2-2005 标准详情
- 标准号:NF EN 60034-2-2005
- 中文标题:旋转电机。旋转电机试验后的损耗和效率的测定方法。
- 英文标题:Rotating electrical machines - Part 2 : methods for determining losses and efficiency of rotating electrical machinery from tests (excluding machines for traction vehicles).
- 标准类别:法国国家标准
- 发布日期:2005-12-01
Applicable to d.c. machines and to a.c. synchronous and induction machines of all sizes within the scope of IEC Publication 34-1. Also applies to other types of machines such as rotary a.c. commutators, convertor motors and single-phase induction mot
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