UNI EN 12428-2004 工业,商业和车库门和大门 - 传热系数 - 用于计算门INDUSTRIALI要求, commerciali é达车库 - Trasmittanza TERMICA - Requisiti每金正日calcolo
UNI EN 12428-2004 标准详情
- 标准号:UNI EN 12428-2004
- 中文标题:工业,商业和车库门和大门 - 传热系数 - 用于计算门INDUSTRIALI要求, commerciali é达车库 - Trasmittanza TERMICA - Requisiti每金正日calcolo
- 英文标题:Industrial, commercial and garage doors and gates - Thermal transmittance - Requirements for the calculation Porte industriali, commerciali e da garage - Trasmittanza termica - Requisiti per il calcolo
- 标准类别:意大利UNIUNI
- 发布日期:
The UK submitted a vote of disapproval on final voting stage of the draft EN for the following reasons- This standard refers to test/calculation standards for windows/pedestrian doors with a rigid frame on a masonry surround. Doors in this standard d
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