UNI EN ISO 6321-2005 动物和植物油脂 - 开放式毛细管熔点(裂解点)奥利?格拉西animali ? vegetali的测定 - Determinazione德尔PUNTO迪fusione在provette capillari aperte ( PUNTO迪scivolamento )
UNI EN ISO 6321-2005 标准详情
- 标准号:UNI EN ISO 6321-2005
- 中文标题:动物和植物油脂 - 开放式毛细管熔点(裂解点)奥利?格拉西animali ? vegetali的测定 - Determinazione德尔PUNTO迪fusione在provette capillari aperte ( PUNTO迪scivolamento )
- 英文标题:Animal and vegetable fats and oils - Determination of melting point in open capillary tubes (slip point) Oli e grassi animali e vegetali - Determinazione del punto di fusione in provette capillari aperte (punto di scivolamento)
- 标准类别:意大利UNIUNI
- 发布日期:
Defines two methods for the determination of the melting point in open capillary tubes, commonly known as the slip point, of animal and vegetable fats and oils. - Method A is only applicable to animal and vegetable fats which are solid at ambient tem
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