ISO 3000-1974 工业用三磷酸钠;三聚磷酸盐含量评估;三羧甲基氨基甲烷(乙二胺)氯化钴(III)重量分析法
ISO 3000-1974 标准详情
- 标准号:ISO 3000-1974
- 中文标题:工业用三磷酸钠;三聚磷酸盐含量评估;三羧甲基氨基甲烷(乙二胺)氯化钴(III)重量分析法
- 英文标题:sodium tripolyphosphate for industrial use; estimation of tripolyphophate content; tris(ethylenediamine) cobalt (iii) chloride gravimetric method
- 标准类别:国际标准化组织标准ISO
- 发布日期:1974-12-01
Not applicable in the presence of metaphosphate. The presence of pyrophosphate at normal concentrations ?maximum 6 % (m/m)? does not interfere. The principle consists in precipitation of tripolyphosphate as its complex with tris(ethylenediamine) coba
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