SAE J1453-1-2011 O型环面密封连接器规范(R):第1部分.性能和试验中管道连接的详细信息和通用要求
SAE J1453-1-2011 标准详情
- 标准号:SAE J1453-1-2011
- 中文标题:O型环面密封连接器规范(R):第1部分.性能和试验中管道连接的详细信息和通用要求
- 英文标题:(r) specification for o-ring face seal connectors: part 1—tube connection details and common requirements for performance and tests
- 标准类别:美国汽车工程师协会标准SAE
- 发布日期:2011-08-01
1.1 PurposeThe three parts of SAE J1453 cover material, dimensional, and performance requirements of steel O-ring face seal(ORFS) connectors for tubing and the O-ring face seal interface and nut portion of hose stem assemblies for nominal tubediamete
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