ACI 523.3R-1993 关于超过50 pcf的多孔混凝土和抗压强度低于2500 psi的超过50 pcf的集料混凝土的指南
ACI 523.3R-1993 标准详情
- 标准号:ACI 523.3R-1993
- 中文标题:关于超过50 pcf的多孔混凝土和抗压强度低于2500 psi的超过50 pcf的集料混凝土的指南
- 英文标题:Guide for Cellular Concretes Above 50 pcf, and for Aggregate Concretes Above 50 pcf with Compressive Strengths Less Than 2500 psi
- 标准类别:美国混凝土学会标准ACI
- 发布日期:1993-01-01
Presents information on materials, fabrication, properties, design, and handling of cellular concretes with oven-dry densities greater than 50 pcf (800 kg/m3) and aggregate concretes with oven-dry densities above 50 pcf (800 kg/m3) but whose compress
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