UNI EN ISO 6603-1-2001
UNI EN ISO 6603-1-2001 标准详情
- 标准号:UNI EN ISO 6603-1-2001
- 中文标题:
- 英文标题:Plastics - Determination of puncture impact behaviour of rigid plastics - Non-instrumented impact testing Materie plastiche - Determinazione del comportamento dei materiali plastici rigidi alla perforazione per urto - Prove d''urto non strumentate
- 标准类别:意大利UNIUNI
- 发布日期:
Defines a procedure for determining impact properties of rigid plastic materials in disk form or as square pieces of standard dimensions moulded directly or cut from sheets. Useful for assessing plastic sheeting or mouldings under an impact stress ap
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