CGSB 2.11-94 15.1-CAN/CGSB-1994 标准详情
- 标准号:CGSB 2.11-94 15.1-CAN/CGSB-1994
- 中文标题:对肥皂和洗涤剂的磨损进行取样与试验方法
- 英文标题:Methods of Sampling and Testing Soaps and Detergents Abrasion Test
- 标准类别:加拿大通用标准局标准CGSB
- 发布日期:1994-01-01
This method is for testing the application properties, dry hiding power and appearance of urethane coatings,solution epoxy resin coatings and high-build type epoxy resin coatings when applied by roller.
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