
ISA TR104.00.03-2010 EDDL :满足要求的工程工具整合为现场设备现场总线设备

ISA TR104.00.03-2010 EDDL :满足要求的工程工具整合为现场设备现场总线设备

ISA TR104.00.03-2010 标准详情

  • 标准号:ISA TR104.00.03-2010
  • 中文标题:EDDL :满足要求的工程工具整合为现场设备现场总线设备
  • 英文标题:EDDL: Meeting the requirements for integrating fieldbus devices in engineering tools for field devices
  • 标准类别:美国仪表协会标准ISA
  • 发布日期:2010-09-29


Specifies an evaluation of EDDL technology. Also specifies guidance to device and system manufacturers for how EDDL technology can help them meet user requirements. And also specifies guidance to system integrators, as well as instrumentation and mai

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