BS EN 60684-3-233-1998 绝缘软套管规范.第3部分:各种型号套管的规范要求.第233活页:收缩比率2:1的阻燃耐液体腐蚀含氟弹性体热收缩套管
BS EN 60684-3-233-1998 标准详情
- 标准号:BS EN 60684-3-233-1998
- 中文标题:绝缘软套管规范.第3部分:各种型号套管的规范要求.第233活页:收缩比率2:1的阻燃耐液体腐蚀含氟弹性体热收缩套管
- 英文标题:Specification for flexible insulating sleeving. Specification requirements for individual types of sleeving. Heat-shrinkable fluoroelastomer sleeving, flame retarded, fluid resistant, shrink ratio 2:1
- 标准类别:英国标准
- 发布日期:1998-10-15
This sheet of IEC 60684-3 gives the requirements for one type of heat-shrinkable, flame retarded, fluid resistant, fluoroelastomer sleeving with a temperature index of 200 and a nominal shrink ratio of 2:1.This sleeving is normally supplied with inte
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