ANSI/NFSI B101.5-2012 用以确定地板用织物,有涂料的地板用织物和处理过的地板用织物潮湿条件下的静态摩擦系数的统一标记法标准指南
ANSI/NFSI B101.5-2012 标准详情
- 标准号:ANSI/NFSI B101.5-2012
- 中文标题:用以确定地板用织物,有涂料的地板用织物和处理过的地板用织物潮湿条件下的静态摩擦系数的统一标记法标准指南
- 英文标题:Standard Guide for Uniform Labeling Method for Identifying the Wet Static Coefficient of Friction (Traction) of Floor Coverings, Floor Coverings with Coatings, and Treated Floor Coverings
- 标准类别:美国国家标准
- 发布日期:2012
Sets forth a uniform product labeling method that identifies the wet static coefficient of friction (traction) of floor coverings, floor coverings with coatings, and treated floor coverings.
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