ISO 20769-1-2018 标准详情
- 标准号:ISO 20769-1-2018
- 中文标题:
- 英文标题:Non-destructive testing -- Radiographic inspection of corrosion and deposits in pipes by X- and gamma rays -- Part 1: Tangential radiographic inspection
- 标准类别:国际标准化组织ISO
- 发布日期:
This document specifies fundamental techniques of film and digital radiography with the object of enabling satisfactory and repeatable results to be obtained economically. The techniques are based on generally recognized practice and fundamental theo
* 特别声明:资源收集自网络或用户上传,本网站所提供的电子文本仅供参考,请以正式出版物为准。仅供个人标准化学习,研究使用。如有侵权,请及时联系我们!