
BS EN 60966-3-1-2003 半柔性同轴电缆组件空白详细规范

BS EN 60966-3-1-2003 半柔性同轴电缆组件空白详细规范

BS EN 60966-3-1-2003 标准详情

  • 标准号:BS EN 60966-3-1-2003
  • 中文标题:半柔性同轴电缆组件空白详细规范
  • 英文标题:Radio frequency and coaxial cable assemblies. Blank detail specification for semi-flexible coaxial cable assemblies
  • 标准类别:英国标准
  • 发布日期:2003-11-17


The creation of a uniform layout and style of detail specifications is determined by the use of a blank detail specification pro forma. The detail specification may be prepared by the insertion of data into the pro forma by a national standards organ

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