BS EN 60721-3-5-1993 环境条件分类.第3部分:环境参数组及其严酷程度分类.第5节:地面车辆装配
BS EN 60721-3-5-1993 标准详情
- 标准号:BS EN 60721-3-5-1993
- 中文标题:环境条件分类.第3部分:环境参数组及其严酷程度分类.第5节:地面车辆装配
- 英文标题:Classification of environmental conditions. Classification of groups of environmental parameters and their severities. Ground vehicle installations
- 标准类别:英国标准
- 发布日期:
Conditions to which a product not forming part of the vehicle is subjected when installed e.g. radios, communication systems, fare meters, and flow meters for liquids transported by the vehicle.
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