PRETS 300 777-3-1997
PRETS 300 777-3-1997 标准详情
- 标准号:PRETS 300 777-3-1997
- 中文标题:
- 英文标题:Terminal Equipment (te) - End-to-end Protocols For Multimedia Information Retrieval Services; Part 3: Application Programmable Interface (api) For Mheg-5
- 发布日期:
This ETS will specify an API between an MHEG-5 engine and its applications (eg scripts) which provides-- interpretation services and - access services on MHEG-5 objects. Note- MHEG-5 is a subset of MHEG-1 for basic level implementations
* 特别声明:资源收集自网络或用户上传,本网站所提供的电子文本仅供参考,请以正式出版物为准。仅供个人标准化学习,研究使用。如有侵权,请及时联系我们!