- 标准名称:A CAPITAL理念 - 从环境和社会绩效实现价值
- 标准号:CB 023-2001
- 中国标准分类号:
- 发布日期:2001-01-01
- 国际标准分类号:
- 实施日期:2001-01-01
- 技术归口:
- 代替标准:
- 批准发布部门:
- 标准分类:运输行政社会学服务环境保护环境经济公司(企业)的组织和管理保健与安全公司(企业)的组织与管理环保
This guide is to assist companies in capturing value from good environmental and social performance. It shows how the changes in financial markets, including the rising interest in socially responsible investment, will affect organizations, and how they can benefit from these changes. The guide has five parts. Parts 1, 2 and 3 are aimed primarily at senior executives and managers, particularly those concerned with financial performance and the attraction of capital from investors and lenders. Part 4 is aimed primarily at environmental managers, human resource managers, and others involved in managing and improving companies'' environmental and social performance. Part 5 is aimed for the general reader. Principal author of this guide is Deni Greene Consulting Services. The guide has been prepared in conjunction with Standards Australia and Ethical Investment Services, with funding from the Commonwealth Government through Environment Australia''s Business of Sustainable Development (BSD) initiative. This publication is only available as a free download from our website at www.saiglobal.com/shop. Paper copies are available from- Financial Sector Projects Team, Sustainable Industries Branch, Environment Australia, GPO Box 787, Canberra ACT 2601.
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GB表示标准属性,国家标准;0000.00代表标准顺序号;1111代表标准发布或修订年份。以标准GB/T 40028.2-2021 智慧城市 智慧医疗 第2部分:移动健康 为例,搜索建议如下:
① 搜索关键词:40028.2
② 搜索关键词:40028.2-2021
③ 搜索关键词:移动健康