DR 93323 - 玻璃TestMethod的7方法: - 上光 - 均匀/表面压缩试验的试验方法7方法:均匀/表面压缩试验
DR 93323 标准详情
- 标准号:DR 93323
- 中文标题:- 玻璃TestMethod的7方法: - 上光 - 均匀/表面压缩试验的试验方法7方法:均匀/表面压缩试验
- 英文标题:Glazing - Methods of testMethod 7: Uniformity/Surface compression test - Glazing - Methods of test Method 7: Uniformity/Surface compression test
- 标准类别:澳大利亚标准DR
- 发布日期:
Proposes procedures for testing safety glazing materials for use in buildings. Proposed as Joint Australian/New Zealand Standards.
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