
CB 026-2002 隐藏的黄金!

CB 026-2002 隐藏的黄金!

CB 026-2002




Hidden Gold SA / QAS SA \ QAS 2 6 2002-04-29T19:24:00Z 2002-05-03T05:20:00Z 2002-05-03T05:20:00Z 1 375 2140 SA / QAS 17 4 2628 9.2720 0 0 pt 0 pt 0 0 0 pt 0 pt Hidden Gold!Mining the inexhaustible supply of goldenopportunities in every organisation.By Bill Jarrard and Johan KruithofEvery organisation has an inexhaustible supply ofgolden opportunities to improve their processes and generally to do better.These opportunities are like gold - from many large nuggets to unlimited golddust. Although frequently hidden, they''re always there - all you need are theeyes with which to see them and the tools with which to mine them. This bookprovides both.Hidden Gold! is a highly readable book on a proven approach to bringing our opportunities out of hiding and turning them into demonstrable bottom-lineimprovements. Hidden Gold! is based onthe authors'' many years of hands-on experience in helping organisations in awide cross-section of industriesachieve spectacular improvements. Examples include a reduction of rework from30% to 5% in just two weeks of team work, and improving a delivery process toreduce delivery times from eight days to overnight.The authors emphasise that, to create permanentchange towards a continuous improvement environment, an understanding of the principles underpinningthe action is vital. Part 1 of the book lays this foundation, with a clearlyarticulated and coherent presentation of the concepts of continuousimprovement. Part 2 guides the reader through a commonsense methodology, basedon practical experience in a variety of environments. There is plenty ofdetail, with examples, comments, anecdotes and suggested activities. Part 3 isa detailed case study describing a real multi-million dollar project carriedout using the Hidden Gold approach. This is a learning experience in itself andadmirably complements the theory. To make the book a self-contained reference,Part 4 introduces many of the tools and techniques suggested for each step ofthe improvement process - and even this manages to contain a few new angles.Bill Jarrard and Jo Kruithof have been in thebusiness of promoting Quality and Continuous Improvement for around fifteenyears. Both individually and as a team, they have worked with a variety of organisations, large and small, from theshopfloor to the highest level of management. In “HiddenGold!” they have brought together their collective experience in a book that describes how dramatic improvementopportunities can be identified andexploited.In this book, they have written a wonderful andpractical guide to help everyone, at any level, in any organisation, in anyenvironment, find and realise their improvement opportunities.




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