
CB 027-2002 业务连续性管理 - 防止混乱危机

CB 027-2002 业务连续性管理 - 防止混乱危机

CB 027-2002




CB 027-2002 paul SA / QAS 2 1 2002-07-08T03:27:00Z 2002-07-08T03:27:00Z 1 147 843 Standards Australia International Ltd 7 1 1035 9.4402 Business Continuity ManagementPreventing chaos in a crisisBased on the principle that it is better to prevent chaos ina crisis than have to recover from a disaster, Business Continuity Managementis a powerful methodology that helps avoid chaos by focusing on everything thatis needed to continue the key business processes, whatever the catastrophe.It is a proactive process with the overall objective tocreate a continuing process to feed into a plan - a written programme ofaction to be implemented when the (almost) unimaginable happens.Assuming a disaster occurs (and this Handbook may help toavoid one), effective Business Continuity management will help to minimizenegative impacts and maintaining shareholder value. It may also help contain or reduce cost of insurance.In an age where the unthinkable has become possible and theunlikely commonplace, the question is not whether a business can afford toimplement BCM strategies but whether it can afford not to.




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