DS/EN 3059-2007 航空航天系列 - 机身用轴承 - 钢刚性单列球轴承带法兰定位盖,镀镉 - 尺寸和负荷
DS/EN 3059-2007 标准详情
- 标准号:DS/EN 3059-2007
- 中文标题:航空航天系列 - 机身用轴承 - 钢刚性单列球轴承带法兰定位盖,镀镉 - 尺寸和负荷
- 英文标题:Aerospace series - Bearings, airframe rolling - Rigid single row ball bearings in steel with flanged alignment housing, cadmium plated - Dimensions and loads
- 标准类别:丹麦DANSK
- 发布日期:2007-08-28
This standard specifies the characteristics of rigid single row ball bearings in steel, with cadmium-plated flanged alignment housing designed to withstand only slow rotations and oscillations under load.They are intended for use in the hubs of torsi
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