DS/CEN/TR 15350-2006 机械振动 - 导则暴露评估,使用包括由机械制造商所提供的资料手传振动
DS/CEN/TR 15350-2006 标准详情
- 标准号:DS/CEN/TR 15350-2006
- 中文标题:机械振动 - 导则暴露评估,使用包括由机械制造商所提供的资料手传振动
- 英文标题:Mechanical vibration - Guideline for the assessment of exposure to hand-transmitted vibration using available information including that provided by manufacturers of machinery
- 标准类别:丹麦DANSK
- 发布日期:2006-11-28
This Technical Report provides information on how to assess the vibration exposure from hand-held power tools and hand-guided machines. The methods described use existing vibration emission values declared for the machine of interest or information c
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