ANSI C82.11c-2001 规范性附录A :规范低压控制接口可控镇流器和资料性附录B:规范命名为Controllabe镇流器
ANSI C82.11c-2001 标准详情
- 标准号:ANSI C82.11c-2001
- 中文标题:规范性附录A :规范低压控制接口可控镇流器和资料性附录B:规范命名为Controllabe镇流器
- 英文标题:Normative Annex A: Specification for Low Voltage Control Interface for Controllable Ballasts and Informative Annex B: Specification for Nomenclature for Controllabe Ballasts
- 标准类别:美国国家ANSI
- 发布日期:2001
Specifies the control interface for controllable ballasts. This annex provides the general and performance criteria for different control interfaces used to control the light output of electronic fluorescent lighting ballasts.
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