DS/CEN/TR 15547-2007 工作场所空气 - 从浓度与健康有关的气溶胶成分浓度与已知的性能采样测量计算
DS/CEN/TR 15547-2007 标准详情
- 标准号:DS/CEN/TR 15547-2007
- 中文标题:工作场所空气 - 从浓度与健康有关的气溶胶成分浓度与已知的性能采样测量计算
- 英文标题:Workplace atmospheres - Calculation of the health-related aerosol fraction concentration from the concentration measured by a sampler with known performance characteristics
- 标准类别:丹麦DANSK
- 发布日期:2007-06-28
This Technical Report specifies a method for calculating and expressing the relevant aerosol fraction concentration and its confidence interval, rather than the actually measured concentration. This can be done for any sampler satisfying EN 13205:200
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