AS/NZS IEC 61000.4.2-2013 标准详情
- 标准号:AS/NZS IEC 61000.4.2-2013
- 中文标题:电磁兼容性(EMC) - 试验和测量技术 - 静电放电抗扰度试验
- 英文标题:Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Testing and measurement techniques - Electrostatic discharge immunity test
- 标准类别:澳大利亚国家AS
- 发布日期:
Adopts IEC 61000-4-2, Ed. 2.0 (2008), which establishes a common and reproducible basis for evaluating the performance of electrical and electronic equipment when subjected to electrostatic discharges. In addition, it includes electrostatic discharge
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