
UNI EN 29439-1994 水质评价有机化合物,被释放的二氧化碳, Qualit ? dell'acqua , Valutazione德拉biodegradabilit ?有氧健身运动最美代composti organici在M的分析方法的“终极”需氧生物降解性的水介质

UNI EN 29439-1994 水质评价有机化合物,被释放的二氧化碳, Qualit ? dell'acqua , Valutazione德拉biodegradabilit ?有氧健身运动最美代composti organici在M的分析方法的“终极”需氧生物降解性的水介质

UNI EN 29439-1994 标准详情

  • 标准号:UNI EN 29439-1994
  • 中文标题:水质评价有机化合物,被释放的二氧化碳, Qualit ? dell'acqua , Valutazione德拉biodegradabilit ?有氧健身运动最美代composti organici在M的分析方法的“终极”需氧生物降解性的水介质
  • 英文标题:Water quality. Evaluation in an aqueous medium of the"ultimate" aerobic biodegradability of organic compounds. Method by analysis of released carbon dioxide. Qualit?dell''acqua. Valutazione della biodegradabilit?aerobica ultima dei composti organ
  • 标准类别:意大利UNIUNI
  • 发布日期:


ALSO NUMBERED BS 6068 SECTION 5.12- 1993 Specifies a method, by analysis of released carbon dioxide, for the evaluation in an aqueous medium of the "ultimate" biodegradability of organic compounds at a given concentration by aerobic micro-organisms

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